After Exam is Over, What to do next!

exam over

Phew!! Finally its over. You have a feeling it went nice. Now what to do?

Well, go out, celebrate, chill!!

Don’t overthink about what more you could have done. Whats done is done. Enjoy yourself, believe in yourself. Have faith and daily remind yourself you will get in your rank and the seat you desire.

I did that, and I got what I wanted and I believe you too will get what you want.

Preparing for MDS and succeeding in it as a Life time Experience.

If you have missed my earlier posts, click here to read about Simple steps to clear NEET/ AIPG/ AIIMS Dental Post Graduate Exam!!

Do message me about your study updates and I would be very very happy If in anyway you could succeed by reading my methods to prepare.

You can ofcourse invest your time in writing your own experience by building your own blog or website and helping other students. You can try WordPress and host it on Bluehost.


Have a successful life!!

Frustration and exhaustion from studies!!



Everyone of you will go through this rough phase. How well you cope up from it will decide your rank. Yes, this phase is equally important and shape the way you prepare for your exam.

In my first attempt, I was thoroughly misguided, you may identify yourself with my situation. I studied everything, literally every book that there was to read. Yes, It helped me a lot in gathering knowledge, but that absolutely did not help me clear my exam. I wasted precious hours in my fear of failure to read through chapters that were futile. In my extra effort to retain everything that I read, my brain over burdened with all the information, deleted important things and during exam, I knew I had read this question somewhere, but I could not recollect the answer! Utter frustration! After My first attempt I gave up the thought of pursuing MDS and joined a clinic as a Locum. I felt I slogged my ass for 18 hours a day, dint enjoy my internship, as I used to sit with dental pulse to solve questions, studied while travelling in trains, while eating , etc. Dint go for movies, studies late at night, all for nothing! This is not my piece of cake.

How much to attempt?

I just waited for exams to get over. Every day seemed like I had a mountain to climb in scorching sun!! Well, I dint get a good rank and so I decided to give up MDS.

8 months I was doing locum, was happy. But somewhere I felt I did not give my full potential and then I decided to give a last shot! But this time, with a different approach.

As I mentioned earlier, I chose to study for just 8 hours.

Every 1 hour I took a break of 10 mins. I listened to a song, or did exercise. Every evening for 45 mins I walked listening to my favorite music. On Sundays I enjoyed for complete 3 hours, either a movie, or meeting a friend, etc. I ate while watching my favorite serial or with family. All these small activities made me happy.

List Of books For Neet,MDS , AIPG/ AIIMS Pg exam

Now the thing about our human brain is, if you stress it, it will likely forget many things, even if you are literally trying to hammer information inside it. But if your happy, enthusiastic, don’t fear about the outcome, just focus on the time table of just that day, your brain will retain things even read once.

More Dental Books MDS / AIPG Preparation

MDS preparation is all about training your Mind. It’s a MIndgame. You succeed in that, you will definitely reach your goal. By the time my exams came, I was so hungry for more knowledge, that I was happy to study for 14 hours and yet wasn’t exhausted. That’s how you should feel, if you are studying correctly.


Simple steps to clear NEET/ AIPG/ AIIMS Dental Post Graduate Exam!!


Hi Fellow colleague! Since you are reading my blog, I assume you have already decided that you will give atleast one shot to clear PG exam for a better and respectable life. You are absolutely thinking right! Now you may be one of the following:-

  • Just entered your internship after clearing your final year, full of enthusiasm and hope of getting the prefix “DR” ahead of your name and motivated to pursue your specialization.
  • You are about to finish your internship, hadn’t thought much seriously about PG earlier, but now exams are a few months away, and have decided to give a shot.
  • You have already started preparation but still feel something missing or are just baffled how to go ahead.
  • You are appearing after an unsuccessful attempt and want to better your preparation techniques and rectify your mistakes for a good result.

What to study?

Well, you have come to the right place and I assure you after going through all the further preparation details you will be refreshed and your dedication to succeed in your this attempt will only become crystal clear.

Dental PG exams are challenging. That’s a fact. Clinical seats are few in number and government colleges are barely 25-30 compared to more than 250 Private colleges. Your Aim is to get in a government college, with choice of your specialty. Well there are 10000 Odd students fighting for the same seat, so how much chance you stand? What is it that will make you stand apart from the rest?

It is your recipe to success!!

PG entrance exams are like a dish that everybody is trying to cook. Nobody knows the exact proportions (how to study), few know all the ingredients (what to study) and even fewer know how to present ( how much to attempt in exam). Just a balanced diet has carbohydrates, fats proteins etc in proper proportions, MDS/ MS exam preparations too require a planned number of things if you wish to succeed.

Your simple steps to clear PG exam begins now!

Read How to Prepare for PG exams.

Firstly, If I could clear the AIPG, you can too! I am not a genius. I failed in my first attempt after studying for 18 months, 15 hours a day, so I exactly know what should not be done. Read What to Prepare in my other posts to get a general Idea about the magnitude of preparation necessary.

I cleared in my second attempt, by just studying for 3 months, 8 hours a day! Yes that is right, 3 months and full of smart work and not donkey work like my 1st attempt.

List Of books For Neet,MDS , AIPG/ AIIMS Pg exam

I am going to share my tips and mantra for success which I am sure will help you in many ways.