More Dental Books MDS / AIPG Preparation

I am sure by now you must have an idea of what all dental books you require to clear your BDS examinations. But the journey is still not over!

List Of books For Neet,MDS , AIPG/ AIIMS Pg exam

For MDS preparation, you have to again dig in those basic textbooks to brush up your knowledge. It would be fabulous if you can go through each and every chapter, but ofcourse that task would be too daunting and nearly impossible. So I suggest you go through basic important topics which you list out form previous 5 years AIPG question papers.

These books are a must to visit for certain chapters.

  1. Biochemistry (must for last 20 chapters)
  2. Human Embryology with CD – ROM
  3. Essentials of Physiology for Dental Students
  4. Dental Pharmacology (Full 4 Color)
  5. Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials: 1st South Asia Edition (casting,gold materials and impression materials chapters)
  6. Shafer’s TB of Oral Pathology (Cyst lesions)
  7. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 3e (Neville, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology) ( first 10 chapters)
  8. Park Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine (Part PSM) (Very Very Important book)

After Exam is Over, What to do next!

exam over

Phew!! Finally its over. You have a feeling it went nice. Now what to do?

Well, go out, celebrate, chill!!

Don’t overthink about what more you could have done. Whats done is done. Enjoy yourself, believe in yourself. Have faith and daily remind yourself you will get in your rank and the seat you desire.

I did that, and I got what I wanted and I believe you too will get what you want.

Preparing for MDS and succeeding in it as a Life time Experience.

If you have missed my earlier posts, click here to read about Simple steps to clear NEET/ AIPG/ AIIMS Dental Post Graduate Exam!!

Do message me about your study updates and I would be very very happy If in anyway you could succeed by reading my methods to prepare.

You can ofcourse invest your time in writing your own experience by building your own blog or website and helping other students. You can try WordPress and host it on Bluehost.


Have a successful life!!

How much to attempt?

That’s the million dollar question and this will be your 6th key to success.

This factor alone will decide your ranking, if there is negative marking . As mentioned earlier, If you have studied properly you will easily attempt 170 questions. But so will others. So how will you come in the ranks?

Every question paper has around 15 questions, the answers to which no one knows. So the wise thing is to just leave them.

DO NOT GAMBLE WITH THESE UNKNOWN QUESTIONS. This will be your 7th key to success.

The remaining questions will be such that you will be stuck with 2 options in answer. Only take a gamble if you are sure you will be 50 percent right. As for every 4 questions that you attempt, which you think can be correct, you can afford 1 wrong answer.

Learn tips to prepare from How to Prepare

I had attempted 185 questions, of which I was sure 170 were correct. I took gamble of 15 questions of which I thought I was correct in 10 of them. AIPG key is different than what we think should be correct answers. So keep margin of that too. Don’t be worried once you come out of exam hall and hear people saying they attempted 195-198 questions. Definitely these people will never get in the ranks!

Always be sure to revise Important Topics before exam.

Make sure you have gone through the important books that I mentioned in earlier posts.

List Of books For Neet,MDS , AIPG/ AIIMS Pg exam

More Dental Books MDS / AIPG Preparation

Don’t be tempted to attempt more if you don’t know it.

Be calm, double check what you are marking. 3 hours is a long duration and if you know your paper, you will finish it in 2 hours. So you have plenty of time. Do not hurry.

Do not be frustrated if you encounter question after question that you cannot attempt. Its okay. You can always get back to these questions later.

Read how to combat Frustration and exhaustion from studies!!

Important Topics


200 questions are asked in Exam paper. If you have studied even decently, you will be able to answer atleast 150. A bit of hardwork will let you attempt another 20. It’s the last 30 questions that will set you apart from rest of the crowd and decide your ranking. Making any mistake in answering any repeated question is like committing a suicide.


This is your 4th  key to success.

For that you need to analyses which are the favorite question that keep on recurring, making it an important topic for you.  You need to mark those questions which are repeated more than thrice in last 5 years and then read a bit more about their sub topics. Also, If a new question has been asked you need to pay special attention to it and read entirely about it.


For example, In 2009 AIPG paper a question was asked about protapers. Previous papers had no hint about any such question. So I read in detail about them, their diameter, lenth tip, etc and as predicted, 2010 AIPG paper had a question related to the tip length of pro taper.


So here, we are preparing for a predicted new question and studying in the right direction according to our analysis. Have faith in your gut feeling and intuition.

This is your 5th key to success.

How to Study/Prepare for MDS


Now, you have all the required materials. Next hurdle is how to prepare? Everyone in detail advises you what to study, no one says how to do it. Well, I will describe my first hand experience.

My method was as follows:-

  • Prepare a proper time table for 3 months.
  • Everyday study for no more than 8 hours
  • 5 hours to solve papers. ( that way, Mudit Khanna, pulse, Amit Ashish, Bhatia are covered)

The shocking thing that you will realize while solving papers is amount of times repetition occurs of the same question!!

Try this yourself.

For example, take following papers of the same year say 2009

AIPG 2009 (Dental NEET PG paper)

AIIMS 2009 (May and November) (Both Dental and Medical) (4 papers)

AIPGMEE 2009 (Mudit khanna)

So in all 6 papers. Now compare the questions, you will be surprised to see 20-25% same questions in all the papers!!

So if you solve all these papers together, not only you are inadvertly revising them on the same day, also you are now understanding the question paper pattern.

Make sure you have the right list of all the required books.

List Of books For Neet,MDS , AIPG/ AIIMS Pg exam

To understand the important topics , getting inside the paper setters mind and using your intuition as to what new topics might be asked based on your analysis is the third key to success.

  • 1 hour to solve National boards
  • 1 hour to solve dental pulse ( I just studied clinical part)
  • 1 hour to go through your diary / textbooks.
  • 1 hour of your recreational activity mandatory.

The rest of the hours you may spend as you wish to.